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Two Little Witches
School Library Journal
A simple counting story for group sharing and beginning readers. One little witch plus another little witch add (one at a time) a clown, skeleton, striped cat, and so forth, to their retinue until there are "ten trick-or-treaters going trick-or-treating in the dark on Halloween night." Encountering a monster at a spooky old house, all scatter until only the two little witches remain. One rides off on her broomstick and the other walks home and counts her treats, leaving none. The text is simple and the addition predictable, ideal for novice mathematicians. The phrases "going trick-or-treating" and "in the dark on Halloween night" are used repeatedly, but do not build a strong rhythm or invite children to join in the oral reading, as does Sue Alexander's Who Goes Out on Halloween? (Bantam, 1990). Taback's large, primitive, watercolor-and-ink cartoons are especially delightful, though, both spooky with bold uses of black backgrounds and reassuringly familiar with the obviously homemade costumes. And Ziefert's surprise ending is a nice bonus.
Review by Claudia Cooper, Ft. Stockton Independent School District, TX. Copyright 1996 Reed Business Information

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In this cumulative counting story, two little witches meet one small clown to make "three trick-or-treaters in the dark on Halloween night." As they go on their way, they meet a pumpkin, a princess, and so on, each one wearing a cheerful homemade costume. Once 10 individuals have gathered, they go to a house with the number 13 over the door, where they find a spooky surprise that sets nine of them running for home and the tenth running for her broomstick. Taback adds funny details, including a few animal characters that children can follow as they turn the pages, but he keeps the design simple and clear to make the counting easy. Susan Dove Lempke.
Review by Susan Dove Lempke
If one little witch meets one little witch, that makes...
... two little witches going trick-or-treating. And when two little witches meet a clown, a cat and other dressed-up friends, it all adds up to fun in this Halloween counting book, which includes more than forty colourful stickers.
— from the Publisher
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